Thursday, September 24, 2009

Faith without heart

So many of us speak the words of faith, yet do we believe our words are possible? Are we speaking the words of faith without conviction. Is our fear draining our faith? I have asked these questions of myself on many occasions. Why do negative thoughts cross my mind or our minds? How can I prevent these thoughts from consuming me and in essence paralyzing me? As I spend time with you, my clients, my friends, I find myself reassuring you during a spiritual reading "you will be fine." Often I say, "You shall see something amazing can happen somehow, if you believe. The words I speak, I speak from my heart . My heart has come to believe anything is possible and your situation or problem will be resolved. With life feeling out of control for many of us on this planet, I find myself reassuring people everyday and I reflect on my journey to FAITH. How did I arrive to a knowing, a believe in the outwardly impossible, becoming possible? I return to the times when I, like you, had wavering faith. I remember the days I spent with my spiritual mentor Bill. Bill, at first glance was an ordinary man, well versed in many topics and seemed amazingly calm. I would run to him asking questions very similar to those I am asked by my own clients. These questions often began with phrases such as:" what am I going to do, what if it doesn't work or how will I make that happen?" His response was often a simple smile and a softly spoken phrase of "you will see, it is done!!! "Done what does he mean DONE? Yes, doubt is an enemy of faith. Yet, as sure I write this blog, is was done. The power of the words spoken suggesting a positive outcome, the faith he had in the prayer or spiritual connection he had created on my behalf, to help me, to teach me, was faith in motion. It was God, Spirit, Angels all joining forces to resolve my conflict or dilemma.
Bill's presence, yes, he did have a presence, made you stop, his words, made you listen, and his actions were of peace and grace. He had elevated his spirituality in such a fashion it was unshakable. It became contagious and I, a human spirit looking for hope and direction on my path, became convinced faith provides the opening for seemingly miraculous happenings.
When you doubt, call to faith.
When you have anger call to peace.
When you have indifference, call to love.
When you fear, call to courage.
When you have unfulfilled needs, ASK IN FAITH.
Faith can change your current circumstances thus creating Miraculous Events. Open a door for faith and your life, even this world, can change.

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